Collaborative Planning



Liu, Z., Lin, Y. L., and Chung, K. L. C. (2024) Regional governance for greenways in China: A “control rights” perspective. Journal of Urban Affairs.



He, J., Lin, Y. L., Hooimeijer, P. and Monstadt, J. (2024). Informal participation in digital planning: How can third parties use social media to shift power relations in planning?Computers, Environment and Urban Systems114, 102193.


Li, Z., Lin, Y. L., Hooimeijer, P. and Monstadt, J. (2024). Hidden conflicts? Revealing power mechanisms in collaborative governance for redeveloping heritage districts: The case of Dashilar, Beijing, China. Journal of Urban Affairs, 1-19.

Zhou, X. M., Lin, Y. L., Monstadt, J., Hooimeijer, P., Wang, S. F. and Zheng, L. (2024) Examining collaborative planning processes and outcomes in urban regeneration: A deliberative turn in China? Urban Studies.



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He, J. Y., Lin, Y. L., Hooimeijer, P. and Monstadt J. (2024) Measuring social network influence on power relations in collaborative planning: A case study of Beijing City, China. Cities, 148, 104866.



Go to journal home page - GeoforumLi, Z., Lin, Y. L., Hooimeijer, P., and Monstadt, J. (2024) Heritage conflict evolution: Changing framing strategies and opportunity structures in two heritage district redevelopment projects in China. Geoforum, 149, 103959.



Qiu, Y. J., Lin, Y. L., He, J. Y. and Lu, H. M. (2024) Using social media data to understand citizen perceptions of urban planning in a city simulation game. Simulation & Gaming.


Li, Y., Lai, Y. and Lin, Y. (2024) The role of diversified geo-information technologies in urban governance: A Literature review. Land, 13(9), 140.

Lin, Y. L. (2023) Rethinking collaborative planning in China: Does the communicative or agonistic planning theory matter? Planning Theory, 22(3), 249-269.


Lin, Y. (2023). How can social media reshape power relations in urban planning?  The Project Repository Journal 17, 64-67.



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Lin, Y. L. (2022) Social media for collaborative planning: A typology of support functions and challenges. Cities, 125, 103641



Lin, Y. L. (2021) A new look at collaborative planning in China. The Project Repository Journal,  9,  30-33.